Fairfield Dental Arts Blog

Brace Yourself

Braces are for everyone; young and old. It’s a great way to straighten out, tighten up, and align those pearly whites at any age. In some places, braces are considered cool and are becoming a trend among young people.They can certainly add a bit of character and personality. People often report having a greater sense …

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Dentures Are Out, Dental Implants Are In

Dentures are a thing of the past. The latest advancement in dental hygiene is dental implants. They are gaining popularity because they offer a more permanent solution to dentures. Forget the messy, chemical laden adhesives that dentures require and consider dental implants. Dental implants are meant to look, feel and act like natural teeth. Dental …

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Brush Up on Your Dental Hygiene Routine

Brush ‘Em, Brush ‘Em, Brush ‘EmBrush your teeth 2-3 times a day. Ideally, you should brush them after every meal. Frequent brushing can reduce the amount of plaque on your teeth and bacteria in your mouth. After brushing, always rinse off your toothbrush with hot water. Oh The Flossy, FlossyWhile it is imperative to brush …

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Put a Brighter Smile on Your Face!

First impressions may not always be correct, but they do set the tone and leave an impact. Make it a good one with a sterling white smile. Teeth whitening is a painless way to remove stains on the enamel of your teeth. In recent years, the practice of teeth whitening has increased greatly in the …

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