Who Is A Good Candidate For Invisalign?

Are you looking to improve your smile’s alignment? There are many different orthodontic options out there — but one of the most popular alternatives to traditional braces is the Invisalign® system. These clear aligners are removable, so that you don’t have to alter your eating habits, and transparent, so that others don’t even realize that you are wearing them. However, while there are many benefits to choosing Invisalign® , they are not the best orthodontic option for everyone. So how do you know if you qualify? Below are a few of the deciding factors.
What is the severity of your case?
Invisalign® is an excellent solution for smile gaps, crowded teeth, overbites, underbites and crossbites. However, if your case is more severe (ex: a large overbite that causes your jaw to shift), you may need a more traditional approach to orthodontics to address and fix your smile needs.
How old are you?
Your age plays a role in whether or not you are a good candidate for Invisalign® . While these clear aligners are great for older teenagers and adults, they are not a good solution for younger children whose teeth are still growing.
How dedicated are you to your orthodontic treatment?
Invisalign® aligners can and should be removed during meals and when brushing your teeth. However, because they are removable, you need to remember to put them back in, too. The effectiveness of your treatment depends on how dedicated you are to wearing your aligners. If you aren’t committed to the treatment, Invisalign® aligners will not be an effective choice for your smile needs.
Thinking of improving your smile alignment with Invisalign® ? The best way to determine whether or not you are a candidate is by giving our office a call at 203-254-3780 to schedule a consultation! We can help you determine if this orthodontic treatment in Fairfield, CT is the best option for your smile needs.