3 Reasons to Book Your Child’s Back-to-School Dental Appointment

Many parents don’t realize that cavities are one of the most common chronic diseases found in school-age children. In fact, kids miss more than 51 million hours of school each year due to dental-related health issues! Regular dental visits are essential to keeping your teeth beautiful and healthy. Here are a few reasons why you should book a back-to-school dental appointment.

Why Schedule a Back-to-School Checkup:

  • We Will Catch Problems Early On – If we do see any tartar buildup or small cavities, we can address them before your child heads back to school. It is important that we catch these problems early on — your child and their teeth will thank you!
  • You’ll Avoid Toothaches – Toothaches can make it hard to concentrate in school. By scheduling your back-to-school checkup, you can make sure that your child is starting off the new year on the right foot.
  • Your Child Won’t Miss School – By scheduling your checkup before school starts, you can help them avoid missing key classes for dental visits and fillings.
  • You’ll Encourage Good Habits – Bi-annual cleanings and exams are essential to overall smile health. It’s important that kids get into the habit of having regular cleanings and exams, as well as having oral health habits enforced.

Ready to book your child’s back-to-school dental appointment? We offer dental care for the entire family. Give us a call at 203-254-3780 or visit our office to learn more about our practice and the services that we offer!