The Do’s and Don’ts of Braces

Everyone wants to achieve a beautiful smile. We can help you achieve your goal with our orthodontic treatments. At Fairfield Dental Arts, we are fully prepared to handle comprehensive orthodontics for the entire family. Our patients often ask us what they can and cannot do while having braces. We are here to set the record straight.


  • Brush teeth twice a day.
  • Avoid bad habits; such as thumb sucking and nail biting.
  • Take care of your braces.
  • You can eat soft candies, in moderation.



  • Don’t eat foods that are sticky, chewy or hard.
  • Avoid chewing gum.
  • Don’t play with braces, as it can break them.
  • There are certain foods you should steer clear of while wearing braces, including corn on the cob, bagels, popcorn, pretzels, ice, nuts and pizza crust.


When you follow these steps while wearing braces, you will have a beautiful smile in no time. Whether you need correction of cross-bite, crowding, spaces or malocclusions, Dr. Iaropoli can handle all of your orthodontic needs. Give us a call at 203-254-3780 to schedule an appointment for a consultation.

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