Signs You Need To Visit The Dentist More Often

Many people only visit the dentist twice a year. While this is the standard recommendation, there are some who should visit the dentist more often. Below are some indications that you should see the dentist more often.

  • Cold or hot foods make your teeth hurt.
  • You have recently become pregnant.
  • There is a persistent bad taste in your mouth.
  • You are not pleased with the way your teeth look.
  • Your gums are puffy or bleed when flossing.
  • You are experiencing pain in your mouth.
  • It is difficult to swallow or chew food.
  • You are a smoker.
  • There are problems with your jaw.
  • You have a medical condition such as diabetes or heart disease.
  • A sore in your mouth is not going away.
  • You are going through a medical procedure, such as chemotherapy or radiation.
  • Gum disease or tooth decay runs in your family.
  • You have crowns, dental implants, dentures or fillings.

If you are looking for a comprehensive dental practice in Fairfield, turn to Fairfield Dental Arts. We pride ourselves on the quality services we provide, including preventive care for the whole family, orthodontics, crowns, bridges, porcelain veneers and dental implants. Call  203-254-3780 to schedule an appointment.

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