Dental Implants

Be Proud Of Your Smile Again

Dental Implants Fairfield CT | Trumbull CT | Same-Day Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Fairfield, CT

Whether you’re looking for single tooth implants or full mouth dental implants, our dentists at Fairfield Dental Arts are here for you. We are committed to providing you with a pleasant experience as our highly-skilled team works to make your beautiful smile complete.

What Are The Different Types Of Dental Implants?

For people with missing teeth, dental implants are small artificial teeth that fit into the jaw bone under the gums to mimic regular teeth. With dental implants, patients can once again enjoy a full smile and eat the foods they love without having issues chewing.

There are two types of dental implants you can receive depending on your dentist’s recommendation:

  • Endosteal Implants – The most common type, endosteal implants, are shaped at the bottom like a screw that then fits into and gets fused to the jaw bone. These implants are well-suited for patients that have a healthy jaw.
  • Subperiosteal Implants – Subperiosteal implants, the main alternative to endosteal implants, are attached to a metal bracket placed underneath the gum tissue. These may be recommended if there is too much deterioration of jaw bone.

Can Dental Implants Be Done In One Day?

After you’ve had the initial consultation and evaluation appointment with your dentist, it is possible to have the dental implant procedure completed in one day. However, your gums and jaw will need time to heal before you can place your permanent teeth onto the implant, so you will be leaving with a temporary tooth on top that will need to be changed in the near future. If you require multiple implants, the procedure may take multiple sessions. Implants typically require a minimum of 3-4 months of healing before a permanent restoration can be placed.  

Are Dental Implants Painful? 

Dental implants are considered the best and safest way to replace your missing or damaged teeth. The procedure itself will not be painful as general or local anesthesia is used to completely numb the area. After the implantation is finished and the numbing wears off, there will likely be some temporary pain or discomfort. 

What To Expect After Your Procedure

Like any procedure, time for healing and recovery will be needed. Patients typically experience swelling around the gums and face, slight bruising, minor bleeding, and some pain or discomfort at the implant site. Dentists recommend avoiding hard and chewy foods after the procedure and will likely prescribe you pain medication and antibiotics to help you heal and prevent infection.

For Your Dental Implant Care – Choose Fairfield Dental Arts

We’re here to help you put on your best smile! If you’re ready to book an appointment with our excellent dental team, give us a call at 203-254-3780. We look forward to hearing from you!

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