Preventative Dentistry: What Does It Include

Dentist prepares to clean womans teeth

In some cases, preventative dentistry performed by a professional at Fairfield Dental Arts is necessary after at home preventatives were not a success. This is to prevent disease, decay, and possible rotten teeth. One of our dentists will perform several different procedures, but a few are more common than most. For instance, cleaning, filling cavities, and teeth whitening. In order to prevent cavities, you will receive a fluoride treatment that is not harmful to you or your teeth, and an x-ray will be performed to make sure there are no problems not visible to the eye. For missing teeth, implants, bridges or dentures may be suggested.

Let’s take a look at more in-depth problems that can be prevented, and sometimes reversed with preventative dentistry. If you are already practicing proper dental care, then you are already preventing or lessening many of problems listed below:

  • cavities
  • gingivitis
  • enamel loss
  • periodontitis

When it comes to preventive procedures, anyone and everyone can benefit. Children would be the ones to benefit the most because they have a chance to develop healthy adult teeth. Oral health is a direct correlation to our health within. When you develop a good dental hygiene routine, you are reducing future disease, aches, and surgeries. Poor oral health can also lead to more serious problems that involve your body’s system. Some of these problems are as follows:

  • diabetes
  • heart disease
  • osteoporosis
  • respiratory disease
  • cancer

Preventive care is extremely important, because having poor oral health can add up costing you more money in the long run. For more information on preventative care and what you can do at home, contact Fairfield Dental Arts today!