Why Are My Teeth Sensitive to Cold?

dentist in fairfield | fairfield dental artsTooth sensitivity is a very common problem. In fact, close to 57% of all adults, ages 20 to 50, have reported tooth sensitivity. Fortunately, not only are there ways to alleviate sensitivity, there are also ways to reverse it!

What causes tooth sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity is often felt when your tooth enamel, the outer layer that protects your tooth, has worn away — or when you have a cavity, loose filling, or exposed root surface. Your enamel may wear away if you have a tendency to grind your teeth, you haven’t been brushing properly and sometimes due to orthodontic treatment.

What can you do to treat tooth sensitivity?

  • Purchase a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth. There are several different toothpastes that are specifically designed for sensitive teeth.
  • Brush gently. Make sure that you are brushing gently when you do brush your teeth. You don’t want to damage your enamel or your gums.
  • Visit the dentist! Your dentist will be able to provide you with a course of action to correct your tooth sensitivity.
  • Fix any loose or lost crowns and fillings that may be causing your sensitivity.
  • Schedule a root canal for any root damage, if there is any.

Is it time to schedule an appointment at Fairfield Dental Arts? Visit our website to learn more about the services that we offer or give us a call directly at 203-254-3780 to schedule your appointment.

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